Life Under Israeli Military Occupation Webinar

"A Palestinian View of Life Under Israeli Military Occupation"

Understanding the relationship between Gaza & the West Bank

Congregations are invited to join us via Zoom in welcoming Janet Lahr Lewis and Adam Manasra on Tuesday, December 5 at 4:00 p.m. (Pacific)/7:00 pm (Eastern).

The purpose of our conversation is to educate congregational leaders, both lay and clergy to learn how we can engage and advocate for peace with justice for Palestine through the Friends of Wadi Foquin.

Adam Manasra

Twenty-five-year-old Adam Manasra is a structural engineer who has lived his entire life under Israeli military occupation. Adam will describe the daily reality for young people in Palestine, including the situation in his home village of Wadi Foquin (foo-KEEN) located in the Bethlehem district of the West Bank—a community where multiple land confiscations and property demolition orders threaten the future of the village -- and where the illegal Israeli settlements have caused environmental damage to the land and water.  He will also share his perspective on what is taking place in Gaza and the relationship to the West Bank and Wadi Foquin.  Adam serves as the coordinator of the Narjis Community Development Project as a liaison to the Friends of Wadi Foquin.

Janet Lahr Lewis

Janet Lahr Lewis served as the Methodist Liaison in Palestine and Israel for many years and was instrumental in facilitating the creation of the U.S.-based Friends of Wadi Foquin partnership - which provides support for community development projects in the village, hosts annual pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and organizes advocacy on behalf of the village. She will provide background on the partnership and insights from her years living in the West Bank.

Neal Christie

Neal Christie, Co-Chair of the Love Your Neighbor Coalition will be our host and moderator for the event. The Love Your Neighbor Coalition is a partnership of fourteen United Methodist caucuses working together for an inclusive, just, and grace-filled church. Neal focuses especially on public policy and legislative advocacy globally in the church and society.

For more information about the event contact:  Rev. Michael Yoshii, Co-Chair of Friends of Wadi Foquin at


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